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Главная » 2018 » Март » 20 » Metallic Retrospective (2008-2016)
Metallic Retrospective (2008-2016)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название: Metallic Retrospective
Страна: World
Лейбл: VA-Album Rec.
Жанр музыки: Heavy, Power, Death Metall
Дата релиза: 2008-2016
Количество композиций: 150
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
Продолжительность: 11 :53 :57
Размер: 1660 mb (+3%)

Повторение - мать учения, а новое это хорошо забытое старое! Предлагаем любителям металлики вновь послушать композиции котрые в недалёком прошлом были хитами, а ныне уже стали классикой "металлического жанра".

Список композиций:
001. Cromonic - Time (2017)
002. Dio - Along Comes A Spider (2002)
003. Dio - Jesus, Mary And The Holy Ghost (2007)
004. Edguy - Spooks In The Attic (2017)
005. Halford - Speed Of Sound (2010)
006. Judas Priest - Turbo Lover (2008)
007. Nightwish - Deep Silent Complete (2000)
008. Shadowside - Beast Inside (2017)
009. Tim Ripper Owens - Believe (2009)
010. Jag Panzer - Far Beyond All Fear
011. Cripper - Into the Fire
012. Buried Realm - The Ichor Carcinoma
013. Axxis - All My Friends Are Liars (2017)
014. Jorn - Song For Ronnie James (2010)
015. Air Raid - Line Of Danger
016. Lords Of Black - Innuendo (Queen Cover) (2016)
017. Masterplan - Keeps Me Burning (2007)
018. Masterplan - Lost And Gone (2007)
019. Arkaik - Of Violence And Pestilence Born
020. Running Wild - Black Bart (2016)
021. Dyscarnate - This Is Fire!
022. W.A.S.P.(WASP) - Babylon's Burning (2009)
023. Force Majeure - Blessed by the Wolves
024. Krystalyan - The Cursed Spirit
025. Silent Descent - Vortex
026. Unto the Wolves - From Within
027. George Tsalikis - Of My Dreams (2016)
028. GraVil - I Am The Blood
029. Judas Priest - Before The Dawn (1998)
030. Nightwish - For The Heart I Once Had (2007)
031. Pentakill - last Whisper (2014)
032. Septicflesh - Pyramid God
033. Running Wild - Soldiers Of Hell
034. Symphony X - Iconoclast (2011)
035. The Ferrymen - Fool You All (2017)
036. The Rods - Woman (1997)
037. Warlock - Fight For Rock (1986)
038. Peroxwhy?gen - Enigmatic
039. Isle of Avalon - Lyre of Lyonesse
040. Fleshkiller - Secret Chambers
041. Allen - Lande - Reaching For The Stars (2014)
042. Axel Rudi Pell - Into The Storm (2014)
043. Divided Multitude - Scars (2013)
044. Giuntini Project - Dead Ringer (1999)
045. Jorn - Overload (2013)
046. Ocean of Time - Part of Me
047. Rage - The Crawling Chaos (1995)
048. Saxon - Power & The Glory (2013)
049. Shadowside - The Fall (2017)
050. Palantír - The Dark Crystal
051. Warlock - Love In The Danger Zone (1986)
052. Mystic Prophecy - I'm Still Standing
053. SnakeyeS - Metal Monster
054. Horrified - Shorn
055. Secret Rule - Twin Flames
056. Black Sabbath - Sign Of The Southern Cross
057. Gamma Ray - Empire of the undead (2013)
058. Gamma Ray - Master of confusion (2013)
059. Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man (2011)
060. Rage - The Icecold Hand Of Destiny (1985)
061. Secret Sphere - Love (2017)
062. Tipton, Entwistle & Powell - The Holy Man (2006)
063. Twins Crew - Under The Morning Star (2013)
064. Warlock - All We Are (1986)
065. Eleine - Until the End
066. Axel Rudi Pell - Northern Lights (2011)
067. Axel Rudi Pell - Oceans Of Time
068. Black Sabbath - Digital Bitch
069. Unknown Artist - Peace Of Mind (2013)
070. Accuser - Catacombs
071. Masterplan - Mr. Ego (2017)
072. Prophesia - Maria (2017)
073. Saxon - Guardians Of The Tomb (2013)
074. The Ferrymen - Still Standing Up (2017)
075. The Rods - Music Man (1997)
076. Myrkur - Funeral
077. Misconducters - Pace of Life
078. Trail of Blood - The Pessimist
079. Accept - Koolaid (2017)
080. Anvil - Through With You (2013)
081. Axel Rudi Pell - Carousel
082. Axel Rudi Pell - Ride The Rainbow
083. Iron Maiden - Different World (2011)
084. Razgate - My Revenge
085. Pretty Maids - Face The World (2016)
086. Pretty Maids - Kingmaker (2016)
087. Saxon - Sons Of Odin
088. Symphony X - The End Of Innocence (2011)
089. Tarja - 500 Letters (2013)
090. Accept - Hung, Drawn And Quartered (2012)
091. Aspera - Catatonic Coma (2010)
092. Aspera - Remorse (2010)
093. Burning Rain - Too Hard To Break (2013)
094. Daniel Trigger - Promised Land (2017)
095. Giuntini Project - Letters From The Dead
096. Herman Frank - Welcome to Hell (2009)
097. Jorn - Hammered To The Cross (2017)
098. Twins Crew - Blade (2013)
099. In Vain - Through Our Veins
100. Allen - Lande - Come Dream With Me (2014)
101. ARK - I Bleed (2000)
102. Burning Rain - When Can I Believe In Love (2013)
103. Daniel Trigger - I Was A Titan (2017)
104. Daniel Trigger - Welcome To The Real World (2017)
105. Exit Eden - Incomplete (2017)
106. Jorn - Stand Up And Shout (2010)
107. Nightwish - Eva (2007)
108. Steve Harris - A World Without Heaven (2012)
109. Act of Defiance - Broken Dialect
110. Nocturnal Rites - Welcome To The End
111. Derdian - Heal My Soul (2013)
112. Edguy - The Mountaineer (2017)
113. Gamma Ray - Death or glory (2013)
114. Loudness - 1000 Eyes (2016)
115. Millenium - Hourglass (2000)
116. Pentakill - Dead Man's Plate (2017)
117. Running Wild - Stick To Your Guns (2016)
118. Stratovarius - Dragons (2013)
119. The Rods - Raise Some Hell
120. Anvil - Flying (2013)
121. Battle Beast - Familiar Hell (2017)
122. Devil's Train - Mr. Jones (2015)
123. Diviner - The Legend Goes On (2015)
124. George Lynch - Now It's Dark (2015)
125. Judas Priest - Living After Midnight (2008)
126. Kissin' Dynamite - Generation Goodbye (2016)
127. Masterplan - I'm Gonna Win (2007)
128. Secret Sphere - Kindness (2017)
129. Devil's Train - Hollywood Girl (2015)
130. Diviner - Evilizer (2015)
131. George Lynch - Power and Resistatce (2015)
132. Herman Frank - 7 Stars (2009)
133. House Of Lords - Harlequin (2017)
134. InnerWish - Modern Babylon (2016)
135. Pentakill - Lightbringer (2014)
136. Stratovarius - Higher We Go (2009)
137. WarCry - Rebelde (2017)
138. Jorn - Devil You Can Drive
139. Power Crue - Heave in Hell
140. Sunless Sky - Heroin
141. SikTh - Riddles of Humanity
142. Prong - The Whispers
143. Naberus - Darkest Day
144. Pretty Maids - Civilized Monsters
145. DragonForce - Land Of Shattered Dreams
146. Exhortation - Light the Fires
147. Blue Dawn - Sorrows of the Moon
148. Moretotheshell - Two Lives
149. Incantation - Omens To The Altar Of Onyx
150. Deja Vu - Arimatea

Скачать: Metallic Retrospective (2008-2016)

Категория: МУЗЫКА | Просмотров: 144 | Добавил: trigall | Теги: heavy, Power, Death Metall, VA-Album | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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